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'The wound reveals the cure'

Jeannine Parvati Baker

What is Homeopathy?

Simply put, Homeopathy is a system of medicine that uses natural remedies to stimulate the body's innate healing power. Based on the principle of 'like treats like,' a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat someone suffering from similar symptoms when ill. A classic example is the use of Allium Cepa to treat hayfever. This remedy, which is derived from onions, would best suit a patient with profusely watery eyes. And because such small quantities of these natural substances are needed, treatment is gentle, effective and side-effect free. 

Homeo      pathy
        similar                     suffering

How does Homeopathy work?

Ask most people to define homeopathy and they'll look confused or mention dilution. Homeopathy does indeed dilute natural materials to create it's remedies, but a vital component of production is overlooked. To make any homeopathic remedy, a solute (let's say Calendula) is added to a solvent (water). Between each dilution, a process known as vortex agitation is undertaken. This shakes the solution so vigorously that information from the solute is imprinted onto the water changing it's molecular structure. This means that many of the solute's properties are retained, whilst the risk of reaction to the material substance is eradicated.  


When this solution is then dropped onto sugar pills and ingested, the body reacts to the information in much the same way as a vaccine. A healing response in opposition to the foreign material is stimulated, and the body heals itself. 


Quantum physics understands atoms, the building blocks of the 'physical' world, to be vortices of vibrating energy. Homeopathy utilises this knowledge, working on both the physical and energetic planes. 'Health recovery is [therefore,] not simply a matter of treatment for the visible organs, but of enhancing the orderliness of the consciousness field,' (Shuna and Zhensu 2022). This is the role of the Homeopath, who works within these subtle energetic fields to bring about balance and harmony. 

What can homeopathy help with?

Skin Disorders

Dandruff, mild acne, warts, ring worms, sunburn, minor burns and scalds, mild irritant dermatitis...


Stress management and low mood...


Cradle cap, nappy rash, infant colic, teething issues...

Acute Conditions

Colds and congestion, coughs, bumps and bruises, sore throats, emotional shocks...


Constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion and heartburn, haemorrhoids...


Sprains, back pain, aches and stiffness...


Menstrual pains, cystitis...

Immunity and Autoimmune

Hayfever, nasal congestion, fatigue, cold sores...

And so much more...

Get in touch with Emily to ask if she can help with your issue. 


Safe and side-effect free.

Non-toxic and free of nasty side-effects, homeopathy can be used by anyone, at any stage of life. That includes those pregnant or breastfeeding, on conventional pharmecuticals, undergoing surgery, etc.


Effective and longlasting.

Rather than masking pesky symptoms and hoping they'll go away, homeopathy tackles the root cause, facilitating effective, gentle, and longlasting healing.


Ethical and green.

One of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly forms of medicine in the world, homeopathy is cruelty free and non-polluting ensuring we care not only for ourselves, but the planet and it's animals too.


Innovative and empowering.

Homeopathy's model of medicine allows for a huge degree of collaboration between practitioner and patient. Your opinions, feelings, frustrations and  fears are always considered, making homeopathy a truly innovative and empowering option.

Benefits of Homeopathy

Philosophy of homeopathy

What underpins homeopathic practice?

Human's experience life very differently to one another. You only need to think of the last time you visited the cinema. You might have loved the film whilst your friend was twitching to leave. The way we experience physical symptoms and process our emotions is much the same. Two patients can come with exactly the same label, but need radically differing treatment. 


Let's take the example of subacute back pain. John and Linda have both been suffering for the last month. I ask Linda what was happening around this time; she was at the gym and pushed herself harder than she should. I ask John the same question; he found out his wife had been having an affair. I ask them both to describe their symptoms and what makes the pain better or worse. Linda describes her pain as sharp, radiating down her left leg, but better after a hot bath. John's feels dull and achy, is worse on the right side, and feels better for movement. On the surface they have the same issue, but dig a little deeper, and the symptoms, cause, modalities, and sensations all differ radically. 


Pharmaceutical pain management is a useful tool in some cases, but one that doesn't always address the cause of a condition. One of homeopathy's core principles is locating the 'aetiology' or source of suffering. Returning to Linda and John, Linda's individualised homeopathic treatment plan would include remedies suited to overexertion (the cause of her pain), which would work to reduce inflammation of her muscles, tendons, and ligaments. John's treatment would centre around his emotional shock and internalised anger whilst also addressing the specific characteristics of his physical symptoms. 

© 2023 Emily Healy

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